Exposé for a HCDM article on “State of emergency, state of exception” (Notstand, Ausnahmezustand) Indigenous Knowledge and Democratic Eco-socialism Ecosocialism in One Country? Reflections on scale and nation in the Just Transition Decolonial and eco-socialist principles to respond to the climate crisis Public Health Care and Democratic Eco-socialism Ecosocialist Electricity? Just Transition or Neo-Luddite Revolution The water commons, small-scale farming and democratic eco-socialism Happiness, Degrowth and Democratic Eco-socialism Dossier “System Change through Democratic Eco-Socialism”. An introduction New world dis/orders: the shifting role of Israel and the decline of U.S hegemony in the Middle East First Marxist Spring School of the Berlin Institute for Critical Theory 2023 (InkriT e.V.) The non-capitalist path The Robinsonade and Capitalist Modernity: a Historical-Critical Approach to the Enduring “Myth” of Robinson Crusoe Feminist irruptions in Marxism. About the publication of the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism-Feminism in Spanish. Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez: Marxism and the Philosophy of Praxis Walter Benjamin and “the feminine”: a survey departing from Bertolt Brecht’s Die Mutter On the keyword “Artificial Intelligence” in the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism (vol. 8/I – 2012), a decade later Pétroleuses German-Chinese Cooperative